The key to creating a team to support and assist you is you have to first believe in your value of what you are offering.
When you work on yourself, you start seeing results in your business, relationships, health and your entire life.
Here are some of the best ways that you can follow when you can't afford a full-time salary to someone.
* The service of people who can contribute a few hours here and there in exchange for trade, money or simply service can be utilised.
Solo-preneurs wear a lot of hats and the biggest mistake most people make is to do tasks that take up time from them actually receiving the hourly rate that they are worth.
When you give to others through mentoring, masterminding, giving referrals, sharing ideas and tools and simply making an effort to assist someone else in their business, the door swings wide open for you to receive the same support.
*Never underestimate resources coming into your space so you can make things happen.
When you are truly committed to creating something in your business there is always someone who is willing to give you a hand, to a beneficial trade or cut you a break.
* Do not hesitate to hire an assistant. This often takes a huge leap of trust, so take your fear with you and make the jump. Think about it, when you are no longer doing tasks like case filing, sending packages, making copies, etc.This actually helps you in making more money. When you are secure with your personal assistant, you can upgrade to a virtual assistant, who is usually paid a higher hourly wage and is your partner in your business and can complete higher-level tasks because they know your business, how you work and what needs to be done to add to your bottom line.
* Make it a point to take part in mastermind. A mastermind is a group of 3-8 people that meets on a regular basis and you discuss ideas, challenges about your business.
Everyone in the group focuses on your business and provides ideas, feedback and support to break through the barriers holding you back. Have a mastermind that includes a variety of expertise and people who will be honest with their feedback.
If you are in a mastermind where everyone thinks just like you, you will never grow.
The key to having a successful mastermind is you have to meet regularly and consistently.
*When you manage your time, you will literally have physical, mental and emotional room for people to join your team. When you don’t make time to come up for air, it will be impossible to manage one other person let alone a team. You have to first make the space in your life before you can add more to it.
Schedule your time in 15-30 minute increments if you have to so you can get into a regular pattern of managing your time. Schedule time to do your self-care, eat high-energy meals and take a break. Categorise your time into Focus, Flex, and Free
Run all of your errands at once, make all of your phone calls together, answer emails during specific time throughout the day, rather than having it interrupt you through the day. Do your social media all together and set up Twitter and Facebook on your phone so you can stay active in social media without having to use the computer.
Courtesy: www.content.monsteri