In today's fast paced world, stress is an inevitable factor in day-to-day life. More so for the working class, that needs to buck up through the trials and tribulations of going to work each day, to put food on the table. Time and again, researchers have proved that stress is a lethal weapon that can pull down the quality of life, by several notches. So how exactly does one manage with a harried life? Here are a few suggestions that, if implemented in the right way, can create wonders in one's life.
First, one needs to understand the significance of 'playful exploration'.
At a time when work gets mechanical, and minds are tuned to playing out the same way day-after-day, a little letting out of creativity is the key to reverse fortunes. Experts feel that each one of us should dedicate some time to explore the child in us, and allow him or her to engage with ideas that are otherwise not entertained.
This 'playful exploration', say many can be considered as a healthy diversion from routine life, the benefits of which can be reflected on the professional front too.
Moving on, a popular personality development speaker had once stated that self-pity or loathing is one of the biggest drawbacks faced by employees today.
This, they say, results in negativity and hampers the overall productivity of an individual.
So, the magic is in identifying and finding time to appreciate oneself for the efforts put in a particular task. How does one go about it?
The primary step is to make a list of the work done for the day, and feel good with a sense of accomplishment for the completed tasks. This is certain to motivate one to perform better the next day. It is we who ought to appreciate hard work done by the self, before others. This does not necessarily mean a pat on one's back.
It is here that mini-celebrations can be done, on a personal level. For instance, each time we complete a task that had required a lot of our time and effort, we can listen to a song, consume an eatable of choice, have a refreshing walk or chat with a confidante.
Activities like these help one to strive harder for the next task, feel many.
Another way to lead a stress-free life is to 'ask for help'. Including others in our daily work, helps in several ways. Apart from minimising our load, it also helps to encourage team activity, that is necessary for benefits in the long run.
Similarly, knowing when and how to say 'no' is also a crucial component in alleviating stress. Experts feel we should be up and ready to reject or decline an offer that we feel, is unsuitable for our skill sets or we simply do not have the urge to take it up.
A majority of employees fail to understand this basic concept and end up taking more than what they can hold. This leads to unnecessary tension of not being able to complete all the projects on time, apart from declining productivity due to being over-burdened.
We are not robots. Although we seem to be living a mechanised life, the human in us needs his share of break, to be able to go about work in an efficient manner.
A common mistake made by the working class is its tendency to be monotonous in work.
This results in the body being devoid of any sort of refreshment, which in turn makes a mess of the already existing tasks. What should be done is giving the body and mind the much-needed break every now-and-then. This while for most of us, translates to having a caffeine break, can also mean other activities like binging on an energy bar or the like.