Ever wondered what it takes to be a bumble bee? While it may not feature among the popular insects, the humble bee does something that is ought to be taken as an inspiration for the human race. No, we are not talking about its hardworking nature which has been endorsed in several fables. What we are indicating is that the bumble bee does not know it cannot fly.
Surprised? But yes, the insect's body is extremely heavy for its size and its wing span too is too small, for it to move about in the air. Then how does it manage to soar? Because, it is does not know the science behind its body and goes about what it thinks it can do.
This is the underlying message that nature wants us to learn. When you are not aware of your limitations, the sky is the limit. According to German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, Our treasure lies in the beehive of our knowledge. We are perpetually on the way thither, being by nature winged insects and honey gatherers of the mind.
What is the key to surpass our limitations?
Firstly, a majority of these so-called physical and emotional deficiencies are all self-imposed. It is the mind that determines if an activity can be done by the self or not. And this is not written in stone. We can always re-write the restrictions that we have set for ourselves, and push beyond the set expectations.
Only when one moves out of the so-called comfort zone, will he or she be able to explore newer avenues, that might bring in newfound success.
For instance, Henry Ford who designed the V8 engine was on the weaker side of education. But he made sure that he laid his hands on such an engine, by convincing a bunch of people who earlier considered the project as a suicidal mission. So how did this happen? It is because Ford managed to push aside the limitations that the lack of formal education had in store for him. His determination and perseverance ended up being the winners, defeating tutored learning.
This is not to say that education is not necessary for a human mind. It is, in fact the key to leading an enriching life. However, what one needs to understand is that the same education should not be allowed to confine our power of thinking.
Creativity can only be unleashed if it is not bound by any limitation. Therefore, do
not succumb to the pressures of what the society insists, instead arise and show to the world that it is you who has the power to decide what can be done, or what cannot.
In a nutshell, it is the thought that ultimately matters. While people have sung paeans of the significance of one's thoughts, the fact is that none of this is over-rated.
According to an independent management consultant Raman TSK "thoughts and feelings have no legs, no wheels, no wings, yet can travel far and wide across oceans, continents, hills, plains and out of this Universe too, at the rate of millions miles a second. This give us enormous bliss amidst the “chaos” that exists on this, a turmoil filled planet called earth".
Coming back to the bumble bee analogy, Raman states, "Gain Momentum, Gather Honey From Garden of Life being a busy Bee and Be the Beehive of Knowledge".
This is the principle that needs to be followed by one in day-to-day life, in order to taste success that stems from hard work and diligence.
Courtesy: https://www.linkedin.com/