There is no denying the fact that school education is by-and-large the most important stage in each one’s life, for, it lays the foundation for a successful career ahead.
All the Pythagoras theorems, Fibonacci series, trigonometry, all those historical dates and events and the like, might have seemed like the most crucial stages at that point of time, passing each of it would have been a herculean task.
Cut to a few years later, one is left wondering as to when and where did these concepts come to application in real life. Not once might be the most probable answer. So does this mean, that the whole of school education is a farce, because it does not teach us anything that is required for day-to-day life? Not necessarily. Here is a brief analysis.
One, one will never “appreciate the importance of the knowledge you have learned until the moment one actually needs it”.
This pretty much sums up the entire concept.
How do we know which aspect of our education is necessary for us, unless a moment comes when we truly have to apply it?
Similarly, how can we disregard something unless we realise the actual significance of it. And the moment when this happens, that is, the second we actually get to apply a theoretical concept in practical life, is, marcandangel says, “ a moment of epiphany”.
True, for this, results in the diminishing of the thin line that was until then existent between the education and real-world. “This moment too comes at different times for different people, but it’s a brilliant feeling when the childhood world of formal education that most of us live in for nearly two decades intersects fluidly with a problem placed before you in adulthood”.
So now we come to point where we realise that all the 12-14 years of education, all the learning of theoretical concepts, all the tests and marks, ‘does not come to a waste’.
Here is an example, will any of us, in the right frame of mind, ever pull out a wire from a socket, without switching off the connection?
This, my friends, is what education does to you. Time and again, you learn that an open socket emits current, and pulling out a device like an electric charger from it, without using the switch, is sure to give an electric shock.
And when such a situation arises in practical life, we do use the same concept that is learnt years ago, and apply it. It is these understated things that make a huge difference to one’s life. Here is one more for you. None of us would ever agree to a hot liquid being poured in plastic, or in simpler terms, a hot dish being packed in a plastic box. And why is that? Because of our school education, in which we would have learnt the disadvantages of doing so.
So is the case with throwing trash in cans, behaving responsibly on roads, following traffic signals, eating habits, importance of reading, cleanliness or hygiene, treating all humans equally, not ill-treating animals, and the like.
While all this has a lot to do with parenting, it is also equally important that our primary level education taught us all this. Only then will we truly understand the significance of these life-lessons.
So finally, never ever underestimate the importance of what your basic level teachers taught you. You never know, it might come to use at the most unexpected time, and in the most unexpected way.