Not everyone has everything in this world, even the richest of the richest person has something that s/he doesn't have, while a pauper can be satisfied with what s/he has.
The key to happiness is being satisfied with what one has.
Being grateful to something that you have and appreciating it can be a big boost for your mental activity.
While some show gratitude naturally, others can start to show it by forcing themselves which will make them feel lot more happier.
There is no secret behind being grateful, it is just that you start doing it again and again.
For those who are not sure how to start forcing gratitude, here are a few simple tips.
Start by appreciating small things that happened on a daily basis, every evening write down things that went well and the causes for it, this habit can be life changing.
While the first step is done privately, the next is to show gratitude in public.
Psychologist Martin Seligman in his book ' Authentic Happiness' says that we must ritualise the practice of expressing gratitude in letters to friends, family, coworkers and other people who we interact in our community.
While trying to show gratitude most people focus on bigger events like getting promotion, significant breakthrough in business.
But there must be more spotlight on smaller things like being alive everyday, you didn't have to sleep hungry last night, you have access to drinking water, you can read, access internet and stuffs like that.
Wealth is a mindset, by wanting less and appreciating more you can make all the difference in your life and stay happy and satisfied.