Self-understanding is the core aspect which determines the success of a person. Though it may sound easier, it is one of the difficult tasks to do.
An article in lists out a few points that will help in finding out the different 'selfs'.
Managing our emotions can affect our success greatly. A research shows that IQ accounts of about 20 per cent of a person's success. Reading our own emotions will give us control over them and stop ourselves from destroying ourselves with destructive moods and attitudes. This is being called as self-aware.
While most people do not like to talk bad about others, they rarely do think the same about themselves. We should focus more on ourselves and do not want to be affected by the negativities of our thoughts and should be self-affirmative of what we want to do.
People often look for inspiration and motivation from the outside while it is the strongest when it comes from the inside. Only you know you better and being self-motivated can make you more confident and will hardwire yourself to be successful.
Another important aspect is knowing when to start and end something.
'When we self-differentiate, we take responsibility for who and where we are. Responsibility means we have the ability to respond. This powerful skill gives us increased choices and freedoms. It strengthens our immune system to the opinions and actions of others. To not do this is to become the victim of needless suffering,' the article states.
Self-love is more important if you have to succeed. When you have to show love to someone, you need to have the love within yourself. Instead of looking for love from others, the search should start from within.
If these points are identified and followed then personal greatness will not be that difficult.