CHARACTER TRAITS The best leaders had these fifteen characteristics.
- Integrity – When manager’s were asked what the #1 characteristic they look for in a leader, integrity came up. It’s not surprising considering all of the high-profile leadership failures we have witnessed in the media.
- Knowledgeable – You have to be competent and a student of the game.
- Vision – Effective leaders need to be able to create exciting plans and goals that “charge up” their teams.
- Hard-working – Nothing of significant value is cheap. You have to go the extra mile to be a top-notch leader.
- Persistent – Excellent leaders have a determination to succeed and are relentless in their pursuit of their goals.
- People person – Most of the best leaders we have worked with are “people” oriented. They love to engage others, particularly in their teams and with their customers. They know as the supervisor, they have the single biggest impact on the performance of their employees.
- Listeners – Communication is crucial to leadership success, and listening is the skill of leverage. Why? Because too many leaders want to dominate the conversations. Listen more and you learn more.
- Belief – Without belief in what you are doing it’s almost impossible to win. Management champions believe in themselves, their teams, their company and its products.
- Courage – Be willing to do whatever it takes, taking calculated risks to exceed the objectives.
- Coach – There is no question, the best leaders become the best coaches and trainers. Coaching has become a lost art. Champions learn to do it well using a multi-disciplinary approach.
- Trainer – The single biggest impact on an employee’s performance is the direct supervisors-you. Developing people is a key to success. Superb leaders learn to train one on one and in a group.
- Accountability – Superstar leaders understand that the “buck stops here”. In other words they take sole responsibility for results while instilling this approach to business in their teams.
- Lead by Example – You have to be willing to show others how to do it. Champions do what they ask their team to do.
- Collaboration – Work cultures today requires dynamic and positive relationships and teamwork within the team and with other departments.
- Execution – Leaders who “lead the pack” know that excellent execution of the plan often means the difference between winning and losing.