We hope you are keeping out of trouble? We bet that some of your staff just don't get it! What we mean, is that they do not understand or refuse to see their contribution to a problem.
Here's how to coach a member of your team if they are like this.
Our approach could be…
With this type of person, they are never to blame! Instead, they always seem to be in victim mode.
The way we may normally tackle this is to play role reversal.
You can do this in one of two ways.
METHOD 1 Completely change the tables and pretend that your staff member is the coach and you are them. Have your member of staff actually coach you! Make the excuses that they are making and see how you get on and how your new coach reacts to you!
This is fun! You could also acknowledge the contribution that you think that they are having too and see how the “coach” reacts to you with that.
This will really give them a different angle to look at the situation.
METHOD 2 This would be when your member of staff steps into the shoes of the people that he/she is blaming for the problem. You could have a conversation with these "people" to see their point of view with your member of staff playing the role of them.
You really need to get the person to see things from others point of view and get them to “step into” someone else’s shoes.
This is THE ONLY way to get them to see another side of the story and will help them to acknowledge that they are part of the problem too.
Other than that we suggest, that you break the problem down into it’s component parts and analyse with the person who could “possibly” have an impact on the actually problem itself.
List the people and circumstances down and complete a SWOT analysis on each – this should help
Cortesty: MTD Tips