One of the most important things we can do to help your business succeed and our employees motivated is to use encouragement. Other expressions that mean the same as encourage are “Give Confidence, Cheer, Support”.
Many managers seem to think that the salary should be encouragement enough. But we should should be thinking better than that.
Think of ways that we can give our employees more support and give them more confidence:
How about recognising them for a job well-done? For many, that is all they need to feel encouraged. If we are genuine in your appreciation, and choose it for the right moment, it can work wonders. A simple but honest appreciative remark can go a very long way.
Become aware of what hobbies and interests our employees have. When we are out and about and see something that has to do with that particular interest, pick it up for them. Coming into the office and saying “I really appreciate what you do, and I got this for you as a small token of my appreciation,” will make them feel they are recognised for a great job! It doesn’t have to cost the earth! Just a token. But the thought it evokes will make a real difference.
Be sure to say “Thanks.” No matter what, always be sure to say thank you to those who work for us. Yes they work for pay, but it always helps to know that their work is recognised.
And if we are going to praise, don’t just leave it till you’re on our own with the employee. Find an opportunity when they are with their co-workers, and our praise will create a buzz! Make sure it’s genuine and specific for the task carried out, or the employee might be seen by their colleagues as a ‘favourite’.
Encouraging our employees will increase their morale and help them see how they can improve their quality, as they will always strive for improvement when they are recognised.
Tips courtesy-MTD Tips