Michelangelo once said ““The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it”
I’ve always loved that quote as it epitomises what we as managers should look out for if we are to continue our development as inspiring leaders.
It’s true that the greatest enemy of excellence is ‘good enough’. When we think we’ve reached a particular level, we oftentimes say that we’ve done enough and should stop there. That’s the danger that Michelangelo was warning against…the tendency and habit to do just enough and then stop.
Does this mean you have to continue and go on and on relentlessly, never stopping to take breath? Of course not! It means we have to be aware of our potential at all times and not allow ourselves to be drawn into the ‘good enough’ syndrome, when you know in your heart it could have been a little bit or much better.
Let me ask you, what are you aiming for in your job? What are you capable of? Are you really tapping into your potential, or have you settled for being ok, average, the ordinary Joe or Jo, mediocre and run-of-the-mill?
Someday, you’ll look back on your career and have to answer the question, ‘did I do my best? Genuinely? All the time?’
Only you can answer that. And only you can grasp the opportunity to be the best you can be, so that you aim high all the time, rather than aiming for mediocrity and achieving it.
Thanks MTD Tips