Nobody likes to be angry, which is especially true in a professional setting.
Losing your temper at work can quickly turn ugly, with you saying things you don’t mean, yelling or simply walking out.
As a manager, a skill you must learn and master is controlling your anger.
However, while you tell yourself that you want to stop the anger from overcoming you, in the moment, you likely find it impossible to stop yourself from losing your cool.
If common anger management techniques such as counting to ten and breathing haven’t worked for you, try meditation.
Meditation means different things to different people, and you can get a glimpse of its many meanings by typing this term into Google.
However, on a very basic level, meditation is the practice of transforming one’s mind to become more aware of oneself and one’s place in the universe.
“Buddhist meditation practices are techniques that encourage and develop concentration, clarity, emotional positivity, and a calm seeing of the true nature of things,” according to The Buddhist Centre.
Meditation requires practice, but sessions can lead to one being able to control one’s mind, and slowly learn how to control anger.
According to Buddhism, anger is one of the three poisons, and meditation can be effectively used to eliminate this poison.
EOC Institute explains that meditation lowers the stress hormone cortisol, which controls our blood pressure and heart rate; helps you focus on past experiences with anger and see how they led to your current anger problems; and, raises serotonin, a neurotransmitter that makes you feel happier;
Meditation allows the user to realise that they have no control over most problems, and release themselves from trying to control everything.
This practice helps individuals not to suppress their anger, but learn how to react to this feeling in a constructive, healthy and positive way.
Reality Sandwich provides the following steps on practicing meditation as an anger management technique.
Don’t think about who or what made you angry; instead, simply focus on the feeling of being angry.
Focus on the physical aspects of being angry – does your heart beat fast, do you sweat, are you hot?
Breathe, and while inhaling, mentally imagine your breath coming into contact with the area of the body where your anger resides.
In this way, meditation teaches you to meet and welcome your anger instead of repressing it.
This process can help you get insight about what really causes you to get angry, and deal with it effectively.