We have spent a lot of time interviewing, training, and working with the members of your team. What characteristics did we look for as we chose your team?
There are five main characteristics that have a huge influence on the way our team performs when working together and they will make or break our team when it comes to successes or failures. They are:
- The level of desire our team has to do well combined with their skills and competence levels;
- The way the team has been designed from a geographical, functional, or hierarchial standpoint;
- Whether or not we have a leader (elected or appointed) or left the team without a leader;
- The way each person was assigned a role and the level of contribution each makes; and
- Our organisational culture ( diversity) – race, genders, etc.
Each of these characteristics is important on its own but, when put together, will blend to make a team that either works well together or has difficulties communicating or getting along.
Where does our team stand right now?
Do our team members get along well or constantly argue?
Is there anything we can change (from any of these standpoints) that will change the way our team works together?
Courtesy MTD Tips