Employee engagement is a property of the relationship between an organization and its employees. An engaged employee is one who is fully absorbed by and enthusiastic about their work and so takes positive action to further the organisation’s reputation and interests.
Looking at the benefits and above description it’s obvious that we want employees that are enthusiastic and positive, as they would be nice to have as colleagues. However, past the ‘soft benefits’ for you as a manager, and your organisation, there are plenty of other benefits to having an engaged workforce.
????Engaged employees are more productive.
Engaged employees are often the most productive team members you have. They are typically committed to ‘going the extra mile’ to ensure they are the doing the best they can.
????Improve Team Morale in Minutes
Measure and improve your employee satisfaction, and increase team morale.
Statistics show that engaged employees tend to take less days off too, which is great boost for productivity. According to research performed by the HayGroup ‘the offices with engaged employees were as much as 43% more productive’.
????Engaged employees have higher retention rates.
Retaining your best employees ensures the company keeps a great culture, and it costs less – studies show that it costs 40% of an employees annual salary to replace them, let alone the hassle and inconvenience of having to train up a new employee.
As engaged employees are more invested in the success of the company they also become more loyal.
????Engaged employees are innovative.
It is a well known fact that engaged employees perform at a higher level and bring passion and interest to their job, which often leads to innovation in the workplace. As highly engaged employees have a sense of ownership in their organisations, they tend to constantly think of innovative methods to improve themselves and their teams.
????Engaged employees offer better customer service.
Engaged employees are happier and therefore typically provide better service to their colleagues and customers, as a result of being positive and proactive. Ensuring great customer service is a huge win for the company, ensuring happy customers into the future.
????Engaged employees are more profitable.
A study by Wyatt Watson found that companies that have highly engaged employees produce 26% higher revenue per employee. This is expected, given that highly engaged employees are committed to ensuring success for their team.
The more engaged your employees are the more efficient and productive they become, and that certainly can’t be a bad thing!
A study by Wyatt Watson found that companies that have highly engaged employees produce 26% higher revenue per employee.
????Engaged employees are more satisfied.
Research indicates that if employees are engaged with the company their job satisfaction levels increase. Satisfied employees play a key role in your organization, as ambassadors of the company. They encourage other high performing individuals to join your company, and they are walking ambassadors for your business.
Courtesy : Raksha through whatsapp group