Some people love them, other hate them – meetings are a regular part of the workweek for managers, and are here to stay.
However, technology and other advances have led to several changes in meetings.
What’s the future of meetings ?
We explain here:
Virtual Element
With more and more remote employees becoming a part of the UK working team, no longer are meetings constricted by location.
In fact, a source states that a quarter of meetings have at least one person calling in via a mobile video channel.
Technological advances are leading many experts to predict that holograms will soon replace the need for individuals to meet in one room completely.
“By wearing a headset like the HoloLens, which combines both virtual and augmented reality into one experience, meeting participants can all sit in the same room together, no matter where they are physically located,” a source claims.
No Hierarchy
As baby boomers are being replaced by younger generations, so does the view of power in an organisation.
Managers in their 20s and 30s aren’t interested in dominating a meeting, and don’t set up information to flow from top to bottom.
This attitude affects meetings; no longer will the employees be able to sit and listen to long speeches from their boss; instead, they will be encouraged to participate, offer their advice and propose new solutions.
More Efficient Collaboration
Software such as Google Docs, Asana and Slack allow colleagues to collaborate on work-related tasks in one space.
This is an extremely beneficial solution to meetings; instead of having to print samples, discuss them, take notes, and make changes later; employees will be able to work together in real time.
Sitting in front of their laptops or other mobile devices, team members can make updates, take notes and save their work while participating in the meeting.
Better Analytics
Have you ever been part of a meeting where you were sweltering hot, or freezing cold?
Either temperature extreme will make you lose focus on the material presented in the meeting, and cause you to concentrate on your own uncomfortableness.
Technology is evolving to allow for various types of analytics to report minute-to-minute data to improve the sensory experience in meetings.
“Advancements in data analytics, as well as cheaper and smaller physical sensors, are simplifying the ability to collect data about physical experiences, analyse the inputs and make adjustments in real time,” writes one site.
Data will soon allow meeting organisers to know the heart rate, eye movement and stress levels of the participants, which can help to explain their participation level and body temperature.
Courtesy Mtd Tips